What is the password for the

I created a developer account: raulcejas04, raulcejas04@hotmail.com, raulcejas04@github.oktaidp

I am trying to authenticate using okta api: https://dev-85225556.okta.com/api/v1/authn, I don’t know my real username and password because I logged with github. Where can I get this values ? in dev account there is not a pasword option to change it.

I don’t find password option in the settings: My Apps Dashboard | okta-dev-85225556

Thank you.

You cannot use the /authn endpoint for Federated (external) users that log in through an Identity Provider.

Are you looking to convert this user to a local Okta user that does have a password within Okta?

I am using a github account to the development environment. I would like to research about api and for that I need user and password to login for example.

Is it possible ?

Thank you.

No, you would have to make a local Okta user (or a user DelAuth’d in from, for example Active Directory) in order to use the /authn endpoint to login. All external identity providers can only be authenticated through via redirect based flows (as these providers use either SAML or OIDC protocols which involve browser redirects to complete/verify user is logged in and allowed to access Okta).

is it possible to get a freeware local Okta user in the development environment ?