federation is enabled , sign on OpenID Connect is selected , progressive profiling is set to false , Self service is Allowed , groups is assigned to “somegroup”
oh really? You will definitely need useInteractionCodeFlow turned on for the widget to use IDX and show the Sign Up button for profile enrollment. This is set as the default in Widget 7.x, but does need to be turned on in widget 5.x and 6.x, otherwise it will attempt to use the old Okta Classic /authn login flow which doesn’t support profile enrollment.
I wonder if there’s something missing in your widget config that means it won’t load because its missing something required for the IdX flow. What does the rest of your widget config look like?
If you are still having trouble even with the sample app, make sure you confirm the following:
Under Settings → Account, ensure that Interaction Code is enabled
In your OIDC apps General settings tab, ensure that Interaction Code is enabled as an allowed grant type (this option will not appear until you enable the option under Settings → Account)