Custom field in user profile is ignored in registration flow

I have created a custom property for user profiles, called “myData”, of type string. I also added this field as non-required in the self service registration form.

i.imgur .com/aygNJTB.png

i.imgur .com/92aEi9h.png

However, when user is filling the field in their profile upon registration, even though the value is sent along the userProfile in the registration request, it isn’t actually set for the new user. Looking at their profile, the property is still empty.

curl '' \
  --data-raw $'{"userProfile":{"email":"","password":"p@ssw0rd","firstName":"first","lastName":"last","myData":"[{\\"value\\": \\"key\\"}]"}}'


Can you check and confirm if for this custom attribute the Read/Write property is set.

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